Saturday, July 5, 2008

4th of July

Wow 4th of July and this is my 5th post. I should've saved my 4th post for it. Consider it still July 4th because I always blog late at night. Anyways, how'd it go? Why thanks for asking. Pretty good actually, If I havent't told you yet my Grandfather from Indonesia came the day before. So today my whole family came over and we had a little barbeque thing. After everyone ate and started socializing and shit. I played Rock Band with my sister, cousin, and aunt. It was so fun even though we failed every other song. We got through some because of my skills. =P. My phone right now has the crappiest battery life ever for a brand new phone. So good thing Radio Shack let me exchange the phone for a new one. Haha i'm excited over getting a new exchange phone because the one I had had a couple scratches and you know how much I hate getting my new things scratched.

Watching fireworks was actually not one of the most exciting things i've done today. I had wayy higher expectations than what I saw. The display over here in Tracy lasted less than 30 mintues. Waste of time looking out my window! Last year and the year before that were 40 million times better than this year. I don't know why. It's not fair either. I want fireworks! So we all ended off our day by watching 10,000 B.C. I think that movie was weird/exciting. It kinda didn't make any sense if you think about it, holy shit my phone just went off. WHO THE FUCK TEXTS ME AT 2 A.M. It was Joyce. Hehe. Anyways, go watch 10,000 B.C. and you'll see what I mean. The movie ended at like 12 A.M. and I went to playing Xbox until now. The battery life on my laptop fucking SUCKS. it's been less than an hour and I have less than half battery life left. It doesn't make any sense. Reminds me of my phone. So anyways, plans for tomorrow: Get up early-ish. I think i'm going out for lunch with my whole family again? Or we're having another party-ish thing. Shit I don't know but it's better than sitting my ass at home playing Xbox with my no-life buddies all day long. Reminds me of those days when I sat on the computer playing Warcraft III or Starcraft. Haha okay i'm such a fucking geek.


joyce. said...

im guessing batteries don't like you very much..

joyce. said...

you tell me to comment your blogs, but it's hard when you don't update.

TSoul77 said...

I'm working on it

Camille said...

hey cody, i have a blogspot, had it since like, 5th grade dude. never really used it here cause no one had any. then i found out you guys have it. so cool =]

Anonymous said...

hey =] im finally giving u another comment. i know this is from a while ago, but i bet those fireworks were nice anyways. <3 woulda been nice if we ever got to see them together.

Anonymous said...

wow, i made the comment on this post a long time ago at exactly 11:11.