Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Joy of Summer

Okay guys! Summer break has officially started for me today. Yesterday I got to see Vicky! Definetly(still can't spell it, ugh -_-, hint hint for help) was a thing I was highly anticipating and looking forward to for a better summer than last years. I also got my NEW PHONE, if you don't know all the info go on and read my Xanga. I spent all last night and this morning playing with it and editing the registry keys so I could do a whole bunch of shit with it. How do you spell definetely?

So how did today go? Why thanks for asking, well I was planning to do nothing and stay home today, but instead I ended up going over to Erik's house untill like 5. THEN I went home and stayed home and did nothing, I talked to Vicky around 8:00 and at about 8:15 *WOOSH* everything in my house powered by electricity is suddenly dead. Which really sucked because I was talking to Vicky, and that is definetely(UGH) something I don't want to be interrupted on. But luckily at this day and age you can use IMing on your cell phone. Which is when I decided to take the IMing on my new phone for a spin. Which ended up to be pretty awesome. So around 1/2 an hour later the power FINALLY came back after being left in the darkness of the night for awhile listening to nothing but the sound of a crank radio. Note to self: Never take electricity for granted again. Plans for the future? Glad you asked. Hm, so well tomorrow just see what happens and I get to see Vicky again!! Wait what the fuck its only Tuesday? Or Wednesday now that it's about 1:30 A.M. as I typed that statement. So Thursday absolutely nothing planned. And on Friday I'm doing my all-nighter with Abby! Something I've been looking to do for a long long time, but just couldn't get to it. I also hope we'll get to kick it during the summer. Hm, I found a kitten this morning in my backyard. The owners all the way in South San Francisco. What the fuck?


joyce. said...

kitty from sf, must of had gay parents, homophobic. blackout=lame. all-nighter, wish you goodluck. and thanks for falling asleep on me when we tried it. ha.(: see i read.

Anonymous said...

i love you<3