At least for a little while.
Today, Circuit City announced its liquidation. Which essentially means that they're going out of business. Which in turn causes 34,000 of their employees to lose their jobs. And for those of you who know our current economic situation, it's trés mal. Circuity City is the 2nd largest retailer of Consumer Electronics in the US. When they liquidate, all the consumer electronic corporations can't make profit out of Circuit City, which causes them to be at a huge deficit, so they start laying off some people, and then jobs start getting lost here and there. Until finally, no money gets made by the US government from sales tax, or income tax because no one essentially has a job, and we slip into a beastly debt, which causes the dollar to lose value until our currency is as useless as let's say.... Nigeria, and instead of paying dollars for food we pay with our wedding rings. Oh,by the way, on the bright side, huge sale there, go buy all your electronics at Circuit City,
It's sort of amazing how so many people are starting to make a blog, it started out with Joyce and me, and Abegail, then the fire spread, it's interesting to read some while others i'm only trying to get the gist of because their just so boring.

Today was rather surprising, well not so surprising, I went to SF today with Joyce and we met up with Nina and Nate, A.K.A my cousin and his girlfriend, and I'd like tell you all that the highlights of the day were taking pictures at the Apple Store on their crazy webcams that happen to be better than mine. It brings up the wtf alarm in my head because I have the same computer, but Joyce suggested that it was the lighting, so i'm good, oh and while I was there I was able to bask in the iPhone glory! Seriously, an iPhone is number 1 on my most coveted items list. I would post a picture, but it's on Joyce's I-have-no-idea-what-it's-called website, told you Photobucket was better Joyce!
So it's Christmas, and Idecided i'd blog on Christmas's Christmas,hah. There isn't really much to talk about but let's talk about gifts shall we? So so far i've gotten about $200 from family and such, a hoodie, lots of Ecko clothes, and maybe a gift to myself for later? This isn't all by the way, i'm typing this from a Christmas party with my family, and the gifts haven't been passed out yet, very excited, trying to be patient.
Asides from asking my cousin every 5 minutes "when are we opening the presents?" I'm doing just fine. By the way I just found some porno on my LITTLE cousins laptop? WTF? I'm getting kinda creeped out here. Does my little cousin watch porn, is it my uncle?! I'm scared, help me. I'll be posting some pictures later but ta ta for now, gotta go eat more and anxiously wait for my Christmas presents from my Mom's side while typing on this horrible laptop with a NUM PAD? Which makes the keyboard much smaller, hindering my ability to type fast. Anyways, leaving as said.
A terrible way to have your holiday season start is to have this
and on top of that a whole bunch of fucking problems and bad situations. How do things change so fast, I don't get it. Why does a good thing have to end so quickly? I just don't get it, by the way i'm not talking about my XBOX, if you were thinking i'm a total nerd or something. Anyways, yesterday was GREAT! I just had to express, Stevie's house, haha good times, we developed a new way to say hi due to my magnificent dancing, and I accidently had to make Roxannes dad believe that Stevie had a brother, i'm sorry, and I accidently yelled "EAT A DICK" to the wrong person. Oh yeah, Abegail also refused to get off my couch, which was quite mean of her. Nonetheless, I had a good time. Oh yeah, ice skating..not so great.
Just thought i'd say hello..
Anyways, au revoir for now.
Okay, so by request I made a wishlist. Not really expecting much this year, there's nothing I really even want, i'm completely content. So whatever I put on here, is nothing I have to have.

About me
- 16 (1)
- all-nighter (1)
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- blogspot (2)
- cnfasho (1)
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- economy (1)
- English (1)
- high school (3)
- iCody (1)
- iPhone 3g (1)
- joyce (1)
- july 4th (1)
- kennedy (1)
- luck (1)
- MacBook (1)
- new year (1)
- olympics (1)
- out of (1)
- overclocking (1)
- power outage (1)
- rock and roll (1)
- sex (1)
- shit (1)
- Sick (1)
- sleepwalking (1)
- spoiled bitch (1)
- summer (3)
- swimming (1)
- teens (1)
- tracy (1)
- tsoul77 (3)
- US (1)
- xanga (1)