Tuesday, January 6, 2009


It's sort of amazing how so many people are starting to make a blog, it started out with Joyce and me, and Abegail, then the fire spread, it's interesting to read some while others i'm only trying to get the gist of because their just so boring. 

I still envy anyone who has an iPhone, because I want one.

I swear, I think i'm like the guy version of iJustine except I don't travel everywhere, not as rich, famous, et cetera the list goes on. Oh yeah, did I mention that I want the new iLife 09 for my MacBook because it has iMovie 09, which might not suck, trust me I experienced this firsthand with my buddy Joyce everything turned into a disaster with that program, EPIC FAIL STEVE JOBS! By the way, the prices for all of his products are ridiculous, even though i'm willing to pay up.

I'm also contemplating on whether or not to move to a new blogging site? 


joyce. said...

I was reading about iLife last Friday. I think the basis for the iMovie09 is pretty similar to the one you already have though, it just offers image stabilizer and other themes for texts, and titles.
+ I was also thinking of changing to a new blog. I always wanted one because I thought it would be fun to look back and my older posts, but now when I look back at any of my posts, even if they're just a day old I still feel like whatever I typed sounded wrong, and foolish. But I secretly (not so secretly) decided to wait 'till I get my macbook to start again, so that I can just use iweb and create my own domain .

TSoul77 said...

iWeb only works if you have a mobileMe account.

Anonymous said...

hi hun, i haven't read your blog in a while so i thought i would drop i nto say hi =] and so i can keep up with the things going on that i don't really know about, cuz it's on here. so i wanted to know wut's happening in life right now for you other than the things you already told me<3