Tuesday, December 30, 2008

My Ears!

Today was rather surprising, well not so surprising, I went to SF today with Joyce and we met up with Nina and Nate, A.K.A my cousin and his girlfriend, and I'd like tell you all that the highlights of the day were taking pictures at the Apple Store on their crazy webcams that happen to be better than mine. It brings up the wtf alarm in my head because I have the same computer, but Joyce suggested that it was the lighting, so i'm good, oh and while I was there I was able to bask in the iPhone glory! Seriously, an iPhone is number 1 on my most coveted items list. I would post a picture, but it's on Joyce's I-have-no-idea-what-it's-called website, told you Photobucket was better Joyce!

Anyways besides that, today was rather disappointing, plans cancelled, etc. made today can instantly turn your good day into a bad day. It's kind of intriguing because how when you have a whole bunch of good things, one bad thing has the power to just kick all the good things down the hill. I'm rambling now anyways, and I have to sleep and have more dreams/fantasies about the iPhone. I think it's just about as bad as Joyce's Robert Pattinson madness. But for me it's iPhone madness.

P.S. I'm getting these sudden surges in my ears thinking that there's a loud noise around me when in fact i'm in my bedroom just typing away my deepest darkest secrets(joke) and things of that nature.

Note: Why the hell does my font get small after the first paragraph?


Anonymous said...


joyce. said...

I thought I was the only one that noticed the font decreasing after the first paragraph.. Well it's called multiply.. AND NO PHOTOBUCKET SUCKS.


I went to the apple store in valley fair, as you already know, and well. THERE WEBCAMS THERE SUCK ASSS TO MAXXXX! and the person I went with isn't even a camera person, so I couldn't whore with him, gaaaaay. WE NEED TO START OUR OWN APPLE STORE TOUR.

joyce. said...

Ooops, I totally gave you the wrong link up there, AHHAH http://keokhamj.multiply.com/

TSoul77 said...

I love that panda picture, I saw it and i'm like, what? Irrelevance much?

joyce. said...


Anonymous said...

x]<3 im reading ur blog again. u didnt write anything new yet, but i thought id drop in and say hi xD =P x] haha triple smile! i love u hun, im about to go to sleep, and im waiting for ur reply<3 =] i miss u!