Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day

Today Barack Obama has become the 44th president of the United States. He says that he will bring change. But think of this, how much of this "change" will Obama actually bring? Everyone can talk big, and actions speak louder than words.

 --On Oct. 15, Obama told Ohio plumber Joe Wurzelbacher to his face that he would take Wurzelbacher's money and "spread the wealth around." Obama doesn't see Joe the Plumber as a working man trying to make it, an individual who has a right to his own earnings. Obama sees Joe, and each successful American, as merely a source of revenue for his own agenda. What we earn is by right (because it's "fair") his to take from us and dole out to those he deems more worthy.

--Obama wants to pull our troops out of Iraq. Yeah, all of you are gonna flame me because "War is never the answer right?" Sure, war is a terrible thing, but there's no such thing as world peace, and if there isn't, people have to defend themselves. I believe that we in fact SHOULD stay in Iraq. Do any of you ignorant, naive, high school students who think you can call yourselves "democrats" know what's going on in the world and how these people want to tackle the issues before you go off and make your decision? Or do you just want to fit in. Back to Iraq, Iraq was a terrible country before we set foot in there.and now they're becoming more capable of taking care of themselves, and pulling out to me would be a big mistake.

--Obama wants to sign universal health care, but he wants to lower taxes for the middle class at the same time? I can 99.99% guarantee you that this won't work. And i'm pretty sure people that PAY for good health care would be mad if someone who made half of what they made are getting the same thing. It's like me telling you to mow the lawn, water the plants, vacuum the whole house, and do my grocery shopping while telling one of my friends to just chill while I give you both 20 bucks for it. Either that, or you're going to say goodbye to these tax cuts.

--The senate AND as of 1-20-09 the WHITE HOUSE will be both controlled by the democrats. Bad news.

--Yes, i'm a republican, don't just assume i'm rich, because i'm not. 

--For those of you that don't know SHIT about politics, and say VOTE OBAMA, OBAMA 08, I have absolutely no respect for you. There's NOTHING I hate more than idiots like you.

--For those of you who actually know what you're talking about, fine. I respect your opinion.

--Yes, I'm for Prop 8, but no i'm not homophobic. Marriage is a bond between a MAN and a WOMAN, not a MAN and a MAN. That's the original meaning of marriage. God created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve. Prop 8 is about restoring the original meaning of marriage, it's nothing against gay people. I mean, do you HAVE to get married? Wouldn't you consider a domestic partnership the same thing?

--Change, Hah, we'll see about that.


Anonymous said...

You are my political partner in crime.
I was so serious throughout the whole entire thing, like heck yeah. and then when i read "... not adam and steve.." I laughed hahha.

Camille said...

i agree with roxanne x] i like knowing bout your opinions, you have a strong say on things. i regret not paying more attention to what was going on. and i respect your view on YES on 8, that opened up a new perspective for me. adam and steve? haha. i laughed too.

you're deeeeeep. sometimes. hehe(:

ps. do you still read my blog?

Anonymous said...

u should be president.<3