Thursday, October 9, 2008

Writers Block.

I enjoy writing my blog, especially when I have something interesting to share, but sometimes I get really lazy, take my Arizona blog for example, I will finish that someday. Even if it takes me 10 years. So instead of going to the football game against Mission, i'm here writing, but I have no one to blame but myself because I didn't feel like giong to the game, I don't even know who was there anyways.

It really gets to me how the administrators at my school are so hot tempered and don't even give a fuck. I was supposed to get my guest passed to go to the homecoming dance at Irvington 2 days ago signed! Two fucking days ago, I consistently annoyed them and all i got back was, "I'll get back to you." Or someone had to raise their voice at me. And I STILL haven't got the paper signed, I need it by fucking tomorrow.

Ever since I got my new laptop, i've gotten closer to someone named Melissa Daos, we've been able to talk a lot more, thanks to that little camera on top of the screen. Actually we've had a lot of good memories. ON THE COMPUTER, Abegail and Guia know this. Which is why technology is good for you kids! Stay in touch with your friends. Melissa also happens to wear the same two shirts everytime. I still have a life. And if you think I don't, what exactly is required for me to have a "life?"

There's this one big issue that's been pissing me off. It has to be these little bitches in my school that don't know the first thing about politics shouting "OBAMA, OBAMA!!!" When I ask why you want Obama to be president, this makes the top two (stupidest) answers."SARAH PALIN DOESN'T KNOW ANYTHING!" And lets not forget my favorite, "BECAUSE JOHN MCCAIN WILL DIE IN OFFICE!!!", i'd like to reward all of you guys with a big fuck you. Not because you don't share the same political view as me, but because you are just plain fucking stupid, and you're a follower. I thought all teenagers stopped listening to their mommies?? I Guess not when it comes to politics.

One more thing. For everyone that says that "All Republicans are rich." I'd like to give you an even bigger fuck you for not knowing what the fuck you're talking about, and for being ignorant. Thank you.

Anyways, i'm out to go see a movie. Later.


Camille said...

nice post.
this captcha thing is pissing me off.

Anonymous said...

Right on brehhhhskee. hahaha

TSoul77 said...

I <3 comments.

joyce. said...

LOLOLOLOLSOLS. I remember the melissa thing.. Hahahaha, and I remember I use to, actually I still do, bug you about politics all the godayumn time, ALWAYS!!! And who the fuck said all republicans were rich? Take them to me casa, doo it! I mean I won't be home for another week..

Anonymous said...

<3 ily