So when I say the word CPU I remember this one time Joyce was talking to her friend which I shall not name, and he mentioned his CPU wasn't working or something like that. Well someone asked what CPU stood for and he was like ComPUter, and I jump on the computer and say NO IT STANDS FOR CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT. Haha he never responded to that. I'm sorry for making you feel stupid!

Okay so I started overclocking my CPU for the first time, and for those of you who don't know what overclocking is. It's when I increase my CPU speed at the cost of heating it up. Which = faster computer. Okay so my CPU is the stock cooled (not so great idea) Intel Core 2 Duo E6550 running at a stock speed of 2.33 GHZ, and I was able to overclock it to 3.08 GHZ, but later on I had to dumb it down to 2.8 GHZ because of the cores getting WAY too hot.

When I saw checked CoreTemp and saw my CPU idling at 80 degrees Celsius. That had to be a bad sign. Haha, so I dropped the speed to 2.8 GHZ, and still got a bad but reasonable temperature reading.

I guess i'll be needing one of those aftermarket fan/heatsinks for my CPU. =[. But it all payed off, my computer is a lot faster with a sharp increase in performance! A lot better than what I had expected.

So anyways back to the regular blog posts that all of you are used to, Right now It's AGAIN been about 3 days since I haven't blogged, which proves my fact that the blog calender goes super fast! So in about a week i'll be headed off to Arizona, I know it isn't as exciting as going to New York or L.A. but it sure as hell beats being at home. I'll be sure to let you ALL know how AWESOME my trip will be. I can prove how boring life is right now just by seeing how short this post is. To sum it all up, i'm mostly at home all day. Beer anyone?

Oh yeah! Just as I was about to end this post I wanted to tell you all how great the Olympics are. Even though the only things I really watch are Swimming and Basketball, it still beats everything else. Michael Phelps is a beast. Really. So is the USA basketball team that won a crushing victory over China 101-70! Oh man that was a great game, have you seen those Chinese athletes compared to Lebron James and Kobe? They're just as tall but have half the muscle. Which is why I think that they got their asses handed to by the USA. Hm, what the hell is Air Pistol?

Note: I don't drink.


joyce. said...

When I first saw the blog title I thought to myself "DID CODY GET HACKED!?" then I remembered you're just crazy with computers, so my after math thought was exactly what you wrote about the whole cpu crap that you wrote! and, WOOOOOH arizona! WOOOH lol, let me know how it goes, and you didn't hear about the olympics scandal? How that little girl was lip syncing, and the fireworks were computer graphics, ahahah!

Anonymous said...

thanks <3